Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


MaskDisplayed attribute of linked object complex value
{A}Process alarm.
{D}Object description.
Note: In pictures, when displaying the object description for structure items, which contain indirect objects, there will be displayed the description of the indirect object instead of the structure description. If the indirect object is not used, there will be displayed the column description.
{F}All attributes (flags) of the object value. Depending on the current value of the flag A up to P, there will be displayed:
  • capital letter that represents the given flag (e.g. A) - if the flag value is TRUE,
  • the character "_" (underline) - if the flag value is FALSE.
{Fflags}Defined flags (attributes) of the object value. Unlike the mask {F}, in this case there will be displayed only values of flags enumerated after the letter F - flags (e.g. {FACE}). Depending on the current value of the given flag, there will be displayed:
  • capital letter that represents the given flag (e.g. A) - if the flag value is TRUE,
  • lower case letter that represents the given flag (e.g. b) - if the flag value is FALSE.
{L}User name. This mask can be used only for Display mask.
{N}Object name.
Note: In pictures, when displaying the object name for structure items, which contain indirect objects, there will be displayed the name of the indirect object instead of the structure name. If the indirect object is not used, there will be displayed the structure name, row number and column name.
{T}Object value time.
{Tmask}Object value time together with the time mask.
{tmask}Numeric object value displayed as a time data according to the entered mask for time data.
{U}Technical units of the object.
Note: In pictures, when displaying the object technical units for structure items, which contain indirect objects, there will be displayed the technical units of the indirect object instead of technical units of the structure.
{V}Object value - the same format as the value displayed in the control window of the object.if the object has status text then the status text will be displayed, if not the object value will be displayed
{V+}Object value - if the object has status text then the status text is displayed and the value of the object is displayed in parentheses, if not the value of the object is displayed
{V-}Object value - the value of the object is displayed, even if the object has a status text
{PV}, {PU}, {PT}, {PTmask}, {Ptmask}, {PF}, {PFflags}The letter P, typed in the format mask, will display the previous value of given attribute.
Warning: The letter O, used in format masks, can be used just for the definition of Display mask.
