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  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Structure KomUniVal transfers a the value and status of the D2000 system object (I/O tag, station, line). The meaning of individual items of the structure:


Implementation of a communication protocol can change the following values for objects of I/O tag type:

  • SB_Val_Valid – the validity of I/O tag value
  • SB_Val_Weak – I/O tag value is suspicious (weak)


The parameter marks limit states of the I/O tag value. Implementation of a protocol sets up this parameter only in case of the value ST_SOURCE_LIMITS of the parameter Stat call-back of the function PointNewValue.


Object value type. The important types for of communication:

  • VT_Ai - real input
  • VT_Ao - real output
  • VT_Ci - integer input (if the value fits into a 32-bit integer)
  • VT_Co - integer output (if the value fits into a 32-bit integer)
  • VT_Ci64 - integer input (if the value does not fit into a 32-bit integer)
  • VT_Co64 - integer output (if the value does not fit into a 32-bit integer)
  • VT_Di - digital input
  • VT_Do - digital output
  • VT_TiA - absolute time input
  • VT_ToA - absolute time output
  • VT_TiR - relative time input
  • VT_ToR - relative time output
  • VT_Qi - quaternary input
  • VT_TxtI - text input
  • VT_TxtO - text output



The timestamp of the current value.



  • D_False - FALSE
  • D_True - TRUE
  • D_Oscillate - oscillating value – do not set, it is analyzed and set by the process D2000 KOM process!


The current value of integer input or output Ci and Co. The value is set if uvValType is VT_Ci or VT_Co, i.e. if the integer input/output fits into a 32-bit integer.
Note: uvIntval has been used for integer input or output Ci and Co values in the past when these types were defined as 32-bit Integer. After switching to 64-bit Integer, the D2000 KOM process sets uvValType to VT_Ci or VT_Co when the value fits in 32 bits, and as VT_Ci64 or VT_Co64 when it does not, for compatibility reasons.
Note: The value written by the OEM protocol can be of type VT_Ci64/VT_Co64 (always) or of type VT_Ci/VT_Co (if the value fits into 32 bits).


The current value of integer input or output Ci and Co. The value is always set for I/O tags of the Ci and Co type (regardless of whether the uvValType is VT_Ci/VT_Co or VT_Ci64/VT_Co64).
Note: this behavior behaviour makes it easier to work with protocols that support writing 64-bit integers - the value being written is always in uvIntval64 (and if it fits in 32 bits, it is also in uvIntval).
Note: The value written by the OEM protocol can be of type VT_Ci64/VT_Co64 (always) or of type VT_Ci/VT_Co (if the value fits into 32 bits).


The current value of real input or output Ai and Ao.


The current value of relative time input an output TiR and ToR.


Current The current value of quadrat input Qi.
