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  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Parameters depending on the protocol type determine the communication protocol behaviour behavior during communication with the station. Parameters are entered into the input Protocol parameters edit field  textbox in the form:

PRM1=value;PRM2=value etc.

PRM1, PRM2 - names of parameters

In the following table, the most commonly used protocol parameters are described together with the explanation of function, which . These are used mainly for asynchronous protocols of the Request/Response type. Particular types of supported parameters for individual protocols can be found in documentations the documentation of protocols.

RCRetry Count
The maximum number of request's repeats,
until the communication protocol gets the requested
if no response to the request is received.
RTRetry Time [ms]Time (in milliseconds) of request delay if the previous response is evaluated as invalid.
WFTWait First Time [ms]The first delay
before reading response
after request transmission is finished.
WTWait Time [ms]Delay between
individual data readings from the communication line before the response is completed.
MWRMax Wait Retry
The maximum number of response reading repeats from the communication line before the response is completed. Between readings, there is a WT delay.

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A request is repeated at most RC times.
BThe first WFT
delay after massage
delay after message transmission.
CThe next WT delays are repeated at most MWR times.
DIf the response is not valid, there is an RT delay and the request is repeated.

titleRelated pages:

Communication station
Communication station - configuration dialog box
