Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • controlling of output tags in the AUTO mode
  • operands in logical a arithmetical expressions
  • operands in conditions to raise and finish alarms
  • displaying in picturesgraphical figures
  • displaying in graphs

The In the documented version of the D2000 system, there are the following system tags are implemented in D2000 system at the time of creating this documentation:

ActNrDynamicObjectInteger60 sCurrent number of dynamic object in the system.
ActTagNrIntegeron changeCurrent number of tags in the application.
ActTransListNrInteger1 sNumber of active transactions that have been opened by D2000 Server.
Act_ClientIntegeron changeNumber of connected clients.
AllocatedMemInteger10 sAllocated memory size [kB].

not calculatedChange of values in the archive.
CPU_LoadInteger1 sProcessor load [%] of the process D2000 Server.
Note: This is a total average processor load which is computed by following formula:
(user_time + kernel_time)/TimeFromStart
DayInteger24 hCurrent day
DiskSpaceInteger30 sFree disk space [kB]
FreeMemInteger10 sfor Win32 - Free memory size [kB]
for VMS - Remaining paging file quota of process D2000 Server in pagelets (on Alpha systems)
HourInteger1 hCurrent hour
IN_QUEUEIntegernot calculatedNumber of requests for D2000 Server
LogFileSizeInteger15 minLog database size [kB]
MinInteger1 minCurrent minute
MonthInteger24 hCurrent month
Pending_Cfg_RqInteger10 sNumber of queued write requests for the configuration database. These requests may cause a configuration change, alarm blocking or a value change of the object with enabled start value saving.
Pending_Monitor_RqInteger10 sNumber of queued write requests for the log database.
Perf_Cfg_RqInteger10 sNumber of executed configuration database write requests per second.
Perf_Kernel_RqInteger10 sNumber of executed requests for process D2000 Server per second (message processing rate per second).
Perf_Monitor_RqInteger10 sNumber of executed log database write requests per second.


Integeron changeNumber of active process alarms
SecInteger1 sCurrent second


Booleanon changeStart signal of trigger. The system will generate the impulse of the value of TRUE on this system tag according to configuration of system or process alarms - the parameter Raise Signal.
SysAlarmsNrIntegeron changeNumber of active system alarms.

System error information. Value of the variable is set by the system - D2000 Server and D2000 system processes. Value of the variable shows the last warning. Each value change sets process alarm of the object. The text in the columns Event description (the Alarm list window in process D2000 HI) and Incident (the Loggingwindow in process D2000 HI) for process alarm is controlled by the display mask of the alarm - SM.SystemError (predefined value of the mask is {V} - so it copies object value). Occurrence of a system error is signalized by process alarm and history is stored in the log database.








System warning information. Value of the variable is set by the system - D2000 Server and D2000 system processes. Value of the variable shows the last warning. Each value change sets process alarm of the object. The text in the columns Event description (the Alarm list window in process D2000 HI) and Incident (the Loggingwindow in process D2000 HI) for process alarm is controlled by the display mask of the alarm - SM.SystemError (predefined value of the mask is {V} - so it copies object value). Occurrence of a system error is signalized by process alarm and history is stored in the log database.

System information. The value of this tag is set by the system - by the process D2000 Server or by other processes of the D2000 system. The value of the tag shows the latest system information. Every change of the value causes setting of a process alarm on this object. The text in the columns Event description (the Alarm list window in the D2000 HI process) and Incident (the Logging window in the D2000 HI process) for the process alarm is controlled using the alarm display mask "SM._SystemError" (predefined value of the mask is {V}, meaning it copies the object value). The emergence of system information is thus signalized by a process alarm and history is stored in the log database.
SysTimeTime1 sSystem time
Relative time10 sTime from starting the D2000 system.

Note: For redundant D2000 systems, it is the running time of HS (Hot Server).

UpTimeRelative time10 sRunning time of a redundant D2000 system.

Note: For non-redundant D2000 systems - UpTime = TimeFromStart.

WeekDayInteger24 hDay in week
YearInteger24 hCurrent year