Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Unsecured connection. Although the JAPI protocol is binary, all texts are transmitted in a readable way. An unsecured connection is good when debugging or in the case when communication between  D2Connector and JConnector runs in a secured secure network. 
  • Connection secured by the TLS v1.2 protocol. JAPI and D2Connectorcommunicate with each other by an encrypted protocol while D2Connector shows its identity by a certificate and a private key which JConnector compares with its own certificate. (Supported from the 10.1.39 version)


D2Connector establishes connection only in one way from eight possible combinations. This means that it either actively connects or listens but not both at the same time. Similarly, it communicates either in unsecured or secured way but never in both ways at the same time. Either it is connected to one Kernel all the time or it switches to current "hot" one. In the case that more various client applications connect to the D2000 application and these client applications require different methods of connecting, it is necessary to run an individual instance of D2Connector for each method.


Basic Connection Method

Ide o nezabezpečené spojenie, ktoré iniciuje It is an unsecured connection initiated by JAPI.

D2Connector môžeme naštartovať bez parametrov a bude počúvať na pripojenie na porte 3120We can start D2Connector without parameters and it will listen to connection on the 3120 port

Blok kódu
> d2connector.exe

alebo zmeniť počúvajúci port napríklad na or we can change the listening port to for example 3121:

Blok kódu
> d2connector.exe --CONNECTOR_LISTEN_PORT=3121

Nadviazanie reverzného spojenia

Ide o nezabezpečené spojenie medzi D2Connector-om a SmartWeb aplikáciou nachádzajúcou sa v DMZ, z ktorej nedokáže iniciovať TCP spojenie. Môže však počúvať na prichádzajúce TCP spojenie, ktoré bude iniciovať D2Connector.

Establishing a Reverse Connection

It is an unsecured connection between D2Connector  and the SmartWeb application located in the DMZ from which it cannot initiate the TCP connection. However, it can listen to upcoming TCP connection which will be initiated by D2Connector.

The client application is located on the computer Klientská aplikácia je umiestnená na počítači portal.dmz.customer.com a počúva na porte 3125 na všetkých svojich sieťových rozhraniach. D2Connector spustíme v režime pripájania sa and listens on the 3125 port on all of its network interfaces. We run D2Connector in the mode of connecting:

Blok kódu
> d2connector.exe --DCC=portal.dmz.customer.com:3125

Nadviazanie zabezpečeného spojenia

Establishing a Secure Connection

It is a connection between D2Connector  and JConnector secured by the Ide o spojenie medzi D2Connector-om a JConnector-om zabezpečené protokolom TLS v1.2 . Postup je podobný pre štandardné aj reverzné spojenie, príklad preto zahŕňa obidve možnosti.protocol. The process is similar for standard and reverse connections. That is why the example encompasses both possibilities. 

For establishing the TLS connection, it is necessary for one party to be in the role of the "TLS server" and the second party in the role of the "TLS client" while these roles are not dependent on who initiated the TCP connection. The "TLS server" shows a certificate to which it owns a personal key. The "TLS client" verifies the license validity and the key authenticity5. For JAPI, the Pre nadviazanie TLS spojenia je potrebné, aby bol jeden z účastníkov v roli „TLS servera" a druhý „TLS klienta", pričom tieto roly nie sú závislé na tom, kto inicioval TCP spojenie. „TLS server" sa preukazuje certifikátom, ku ktorému vlastní aj súkromný kľúč. „TLS klient" overuje platnosť certifikátu a pravosť kľúčov5. Pre JAPI je „TLS server" vždy D2Connector a „TLS klient" vždy JConnector.
