Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


The current value of integer input or output Ci and Co. The value is set if uvValType is VT_Ci or VT_Co, i.e. if the integer input/output fits into a 32-bit integer.
Note: uvIntval has been used for integer input or output Ci and Co values in the past when these types were defined as 32-bit Integer. After switching to 64-bit Integer, the D2000 KOM process sets uvValType to VT_Ci or VT_Co when the value fits in 32 bits, and as VT_Ci64 or VT_Co64 when it does not, for compatibility reasons.
Note: The value written by the OEM protocol can be of type VT_Ci64/VT_Co64 (always) or of type VT_Ci/VT_Co (if the value fits into 32 bits).


The current value of integer input or output Ci and Co. The value is always set for I/O tags of the Ci and Co type (regardless of whether the uvValType is VT_Ci/VT_Co or VT_Ci64/VT_Co64).
Note: this behavior makes it easier to work with protocols that support writing 64-bit integers - the value being written is always in uvIntval64 (and if it fits in 32 bits, it is also in uvIntval).
Note: The value written by the OEM protocol can be of type VT_Ci64/VT_Co64 (always) or of type VT_Ci/VT_Co (if the value fits into 32 bits).


The current value of real input or output Ai and Ao.
