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Komentár: parameter timeZone

%WeekNr function

The function returns the serial number of the week of given absolute time.

Blok kódu
INT %WeekNr(
   TIME in Time,
   INT TEXT in timeZone :=  %GetTimeZone%GetCurrentTimeZone()

TimeFunction argument.
Name of the time zone
to convert
used for conversion to
a local time. It is set as a time zone offset from UTC during winter in seconds.
local time (e.g. "Europe/London") or definition of fixed offset from UTC using format "(+|-)hh[:mi[:ss]]", where hh defines number of hours, mi defines number of minutes, and ss defines number of seconds. Sign as well as number of hours are mandatory parts of offset definition, number of minutes and seconds are optional and default to 0 (e.g. "+02:30" defines offset of 2 hours and 30 minutes from UTC). Empty text has the same meaning as function %GetCurrentTimeZone.
Note: For historical reasons, integer parameter is also accepted. Its interpretation is as follows: 0 - zone "Europe/London", 3600 - zone "Europe/Bratislava", 7200 - zone "Europe/Kiev", 21600 - zone "Asia/Almaty". Usage of integer parameter is deprecated and generates warning into log file!

Blok kódu
%WeekNr(SysTime)     ; result is the serial number of the current week
For the date of January 1st, the function returns the value of 1.
For the last week of a year and the first week of the next year, the function returns different values although the weeks could be the same in the calendar.

To avoid this difference, we recommend you to use the function %WeekOfYear.