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  1. Start-up of the installation
  2. Registry check
  3. Installation guide
  4. License agreement
  5. Instance managerType of installation
  6. Creating a new instance
  7. Finalization


An installation guide is a tool that leads the user through the installation process. You may use the buttons, placed on the bottom left, to move back or forward or to cancel the installation. The individual steps inform about the current status or require to define the installation parameters.


The next dialog window contains the license agreement. To continue in the installation you must agree with the license agreement.License conditionsImage Removed



4. Instance manager


After agreeing with the license agreementintroductory window, the new window opens to manage the instances. If any instance of the D2000 System has not been installed yet, this dialog window is skipped and the other window opens to set the new instance.


It enables us to manage all instances of the D2000 System on a computer. You may add, modify or remove the particular instances.
To copy files without installing a new instance, click on the parameter "Copy only". To install a new instance of the D2000 System, click on the parameter "Add a new instance". In case of changing the instance, the operation, which relates with the selected instance (i.e. "Repair instance", "Upgrade version" or "Downgrade version"), will be displayed. After selecting one of the options, or "Remove instance", the required operation will be started.


Warning: If you change the register redirection, this dialog window will not probably show the installed instances.


If you have chosen the option "Add new instance", this dialog window opens.

Výber typu inštalácieImage Removed

In the left part, you may choose a type of installation that ensures installing of all necessary elements. Their short description is displayed in the right part.






5. Creating a new instance


After selecting the type of installation, the dialog box opens in which you have to set three parameters: Instance name, destination directory, and creation mode.


A destination directory is a place, which will contain the directory structure of the D2000 System (all necessary files and folders, e.g. D2000_EXE, D2Install, ExtInstallers, ...) after the installation of the instance. If this directory already contains any instance, the warning message occurs.
The name and path to the destination directory cannot contain any blank spaces.

Warning: Be Be aware that installing two instances in one directory can corrupt the files of one of them, so this installation procedure is not recommended!

In this dialog window, a user may choose one of two creation modes of a new instance:



8. Finalization


In case of change or installation of the D2000 System, the D2Install - Configuration Guide is started automatically.
