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The connection parameters for a selection of graphic objects are being configured in the palette Connect object - the tab Multiple change.

Connect object paletteImage Modified

The palette contains the following tabs:


The parameter allows to define the parameter Connected object (tab View) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Row (tab View) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Column (tab View) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Palette (tab View) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Extended palette (tab View) for group of graphic objects.


If the parameter is checked, all the parameters defined in the tabs Control will be used for group of graphic objects (as well as you check all the parameters placed in the column below the parameter, except the parameters Button down and Button up).

Button down

The parameter allows to set the parameter Button down (tab Control) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to set the parameter Button up (tab Control) for all the graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Connected object (tab Control) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Row (tab Control) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define the parameter Column (tab Control) for group of graphic objects.


The parameter allows to define some parameters (tab Control) for all the graphic objects in the group - e.g. Set directly, Open window, Set value, Position. The parameters Inherit instance and Instance can not be defined for all the graphic objects in the group.

Note: When you define the connection parameters for the group of graphic objects, only the applicable parameters for individual graphic objects will be used.



Connect object palette - ViewImage Modified

1, 2Allow to select an object (1) or a local variable (2), you want to connect to view
3Selects a dynamic value of a local variable row.
ColumnSelection of a column of the local variable
IndexAllows to choose a row of the local variable.

For more information on connecting the object to view see the topic Connecting objects to view.



Connect object palette - PalettesImage Modified

1Enables to choose a display palette that will define displaying the object in process D2000 HI - optional parameter.
2Selection of the extended display palette that will define some additional options of displaying the object in process D2000 HI (optional parameter; can be only specified for graphic objects of Text, Bitmap and Button type).
3, 4Enables to select an object (3) or a local variable (4) which should be connected.
ColumnSelection of a column of the local variable.
IndexAllows to choose a row of the local variable.
5Allows to select a dynamic value of the local variable row.



Connect object palette - Control tabImage Modified

1, 2Selection of an object (1) or a local variable (2), which should be connected to control the graphic object.
3Enables to select a function instead of the object:
  • %ACKChange - acknowledgement of all values of objects in the picture. The state of the values, whose last change has not been acknowledged by operator, is NoAcknValue.
  • %CLOSE - closing the picture.
  • %ViewTrend - displaying the flow of connected object in a dynamic graph.
  • %NStepBack - calling the navigator function - previous look.
ColumnSelection of the column of the local variable.
IndexAllows to choose the row of the local variable.
4Allows to select a dynamic value of a local variable row.

Button down

Control the graphic object by clicking over a graphic object in process D2000 HI. It can have two states:

  • Object is connected  - blue icon
  • Object is not connected - black icon

Button up

Control the graphic object by releasing the mouse button over a graphic object in process D2000 HI. It can have two states:

  • Object is connected  - blue icon
  • Object is not connected - black icon




The tab Repaint defines the way on how to repaint the group of graphic objects in the picture when the value of connected object has changed. And how to repaint it while blinking. The tab contains the following methods:


Cancels defined settings for dynamic drawing of the selection of graphic objects.

For more information on connecting the object to dynamic drawing see the topic Connecting the object to dynamic view.


A text to be displayed as a tooltip when user points the mouse cursor to the group of graphic objects (in the picture opened in D2000 HI).
Possibility to use the Dictionary (to open, press CTRL+L).


Definition of URL address to open a web page from the picture. The address may be set also in the picture script by the function %HI_SetOBJURL.
