Annotation Type ColumnValue

  • @Documented
    public @interface ColumnValue
    Indicate binding to value from named column from UNIVAL RECORD object.

    Only public getter method of classes property is to be annotated. For each annotated getter an appropriate public setter method is required. Getter and setter of the property must conform to Java Bean naming convention. E.g. property "count" should be properly bound to value of column "Count" defined as INT in the following way:

     private Integer count;
     @ColumnValue(name = "Count", columnType = ColumnType.integer)
      public Integer getCount() { return this.count; }
      public void setCount(Integer value) { this.count = value; }

    It means that getter's identifier must begin with prefix "get" and setter's with "set". The identifiers after their prefixes are the same and should denote name of the property beginning with uppercase letter. Getter must take no arguments and its return type must be the same as is the type of the only setter's argument. Setter's return type must be void. It is advisable to access a single private field of the same type in getter/setter implementations but it is not investigated.

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      sk.ipesoft.d2000.datatable.ColumnType columnType
      Indicate formal type of bound column.
      java.lang.String name
      Indicate name of the bound column.
    • Element Detail

      • columnType

        sk.ipesoft.d2000.datatable.ColumnType columnType
        Indicate formal type of bound column. It must be the same as in D2000 StructureDefinition.
        type of the column
      • name

        java.lang.String name
        Indicate name of the bound column.
        name of the column