Interface ConversationHandler<T extends ConversationContext>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - associate conversation context type

    public interface ConversationHandler<T extends ConversationContext>
    Common interface for RPC conversation handlers used by sk.ipesoft.d2000.d2japi.annotations package.
    • Method Detail

      • onConversationAborted

        void onConversationAborted​()
        Called when RPC conversation is aborted.
      • setConversationContext

        void setConversationContext​(T context)
        Called when conversation context is available.

        Note: Method is automatically called only for initiator's handler when bi-directional RPC conversation is initiated. In other cases for initiator there is either no context at (one-way-to-initiator) or no handler (one-way-to-target). In case of target of RPC conversation, conversation context is already available when conversation handler is required and it is therefore responsibility of handlers creator to call setConversationContext.

        context - associate conversation context instance