Interface AsynchronousExecutor

  • public interface AsynchronousExecutor
    Interface for universal executor that can handle processing various callable objects or runnable method asynchronously with ability to return future.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close​()
      Stop executing asynchronous tasks.
      void execute​(java.lang.Runnable runnableMethod)
      Execute runnable object asynchronously.
      <V> java.util.concurrent.Future<V> execute​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> asyncMethod)
      Execute callable object asynchronously and return result wrapped in Future.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        <V> java.util.concurrent.Future<V> execute​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<V> asyncMethod)
        Execute callable object asynchronously and return result wrapped in Future.
        Type Parameters:
        V - Type of the actuall result
        asyncMethod - callable object to be called.
        Future, that wraps asynchronously returned result.
      • execute

        void execute​(java.lang.Runnable runnableMethod)
        Execute runnable object asynchronously.
        runnableMethod - runnable object to execute.
      • close

        void close​()
        Stop executing asynchronous tasks.