Interface D2ObjectInfo

  • All Superinterfaces:
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    public interface D2ObjectInfo
    Data describing certain object from D2000 DODM.
    • Method Detail

      • getCols

        int getCols​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getColumnCount().
        Get number of column in case of structured value, zero otherwise.
        number of columns of structured value
      • getColumnCount

        int getColumnCount​()
        Get number of column in case of structured value, zero otherwise.
        number of columns of structured value
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription​()
        Get human-readable description of the object. Description is translatable with system dictionary.
        human-readable description of the object
      • getHOBJ

        int getHOBJ​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getHobj().
        Get HOBJ - immutable unique identifier in D2000 DODM - of the object.
      • getHobj

        int getHobj​()
        Get HOBJ - immutable unique identifier in D2000 DODM - of the object.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName​()
        Get name of the object - mutable unique identifier in D2000 DODM.
        name of the object
      • getParent

        int getParent​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getParentHobj().
        Get HOBJ of the object's parent.
        HOBJ of the object's parent
      • getParentHobj

        int getParentHobj​()
        Get HOBJ of the object's parent.
        HOBJ of the object's parent
      • getRowCount

        int getRowCount​()
        Get number of rows in case of structured value, zero otherwise.
        number of rows of structured value
      • getRows

        int getRows​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getRowCount().
        Get number of rows in case of structured value, zero otherwise.
        number of rows of structured value
      • getStateTextHobj

        int getStateTextHobj​()
        Get HOBJ of StateTextDefinition object, which should be used when value of the object is to be displayed, or zero if not used. In case that transformation palette and state text are used, state text takes precedence.
        HOBJ of associated StateTextDefinition
      • getStrucDefinitionID

        int getStrucDefinitionID​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getStructureDefinitionHobj().
        Get HOBJ of associated structure definition object in case of structured value object, zero otherwise.
        HOBJ of associated structure definition
      • getStructureDefinitionHobj

        int getStructureDefinitionHobj​()
        Get HOBJ of associated structure definition object in case of structured value object, zero otherwise.
        HOBJ of associated structure definition
      • getTechnicalUnit

        java.lang.String getTechnicalUnit​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced with getTechnicalUnits().
        Get human-readable representation of technical units. Technical units are translatable with system dictionary. It is often appropriate to display value of the object with translated technical units. This value has no meaning in the system, its purpose is sorely for being displayed.
        human-readable representation of technical units
      • getTechnicalUnits

        java.lang.String getTechnicalUnits​()
        Get human-readable representation of technical units. Technical units are translatable with system dictionary. It is often appropriate to display value of the object with translated technical units. This value has no meaning in the system, its purpose is sorely for being displayed.
        human-readable representation of technical units
      • getTextPalID

        int getTextPalID​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getStateTextHobj().
        Get HOBJ of StateTextDefinition object, which should be used when value of the object is to be displayed, or zero if not used. In case that transformation palette and state text are used, state text takes precedence.
        HOBJ of associated StateTextDefinition
      • getTransPalID

        int getTransPalID​()
        Deprecated. As of R39, replaced by getTransformationPaletteIndex().
        Get one-based index of transformation palette, that should be used when value of the object is to be displayed, or zero if not used. In case that buth transformation palette and state text are assigned, state text takes precedence.
        one-based index of transformation palette
      • getTransformationPaletteIndex

        int getTransformationPaletteIndex​()
        Get one-based index of transformation palette, that should be used when value of the object is to be displayed, or zero if not used. In case that both transformation palette and state text are assigned, state text takes precedence.
        one-based index of transformation palette
      • getType

        sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.ObjectType getType​()
        Get type of the object./
        type of the object
      • getUuid

        java.lang.String getUuid​()
        Get UUID identifier of the object.
        UUID of the object
      • getValue

        sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?> getValue​()
        Get current snapshot of object value.
        snapshot of object value