Interface RpcResponseDataSet

  • public interface RpcResponseDataSet
    Holder of argument values that are to be returned to the synchronous caller of an RPC
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getSize​()
      Get number of arguments.
      sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalType getType​(int index)
      Get unival type of argument at certain position.
      sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?> getValue​(int index)
      Get current value of INOUT argument or null for IN argument.
      boolean isInout​(int index)
      Get current state of INOUT-ness of an argument.
      void setIn​(int index)
      Make an argument IN typed and clear its current value.
      void setValue​(int index, sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?> value)
      Make an argument INOUT and set its value to new one.
      void setValues​(sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?>[] values)
      Set values and INOUT-ness of all arguments at once.
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        int getSize​()
        Get number of arguments.
        number of arguments
      • getType

        sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalType getType​(int index)
        Get unival type of argument at certain position.
        index - zero-based index of argument
        unival type
      • getValue

        sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?> getValue​(int index)
        Get current value of INOUT argument or null for IN argument. Initially its value is set by caller of RPC and argument is of INOUT type. It might be changed by setValue(int, UnivalValue) or setValues(UnivalValue[]) to some other value or cleared by setIn(int).
        index - zero based index of argument
        current value of argument
      • isInout

        boolean isInout​(int index)
        Get current state of INOUT-ness of an argument. Initially are all arguments set to INOUT state. It is supposed that the called handler decides whether the argument is of IN or INOUT type. State can be changed by setIn(int) to IN or by setValue(int, UnivalValue) and setValues(UnivalValue[]) to INOUT state.
        index - zero based index of argument
        true for INOUT argument or false for IN argument
      • setIn

        void setIn​(int index)
        Make an argument IN typed and clear its current value.
        index - zero based index of argument
      • setValue

        void setValue​(int index,
                      sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?> value)
        Make an argument INOUT and set its value to new one. UnivalCommon.getUnivalType() of value must be the same as getType(int) for the actuall argument. value must not be null.
        index - zero based index of argument
        value - new value of argument
      • setValues

        void setValues​(sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?>[] values)
        Set values and INOUT-ness of all arguments at once. values.length must be the same as getSize() and unival type of each element must fit with the required unival type for corresponding argument. null value of an values element makes the corresponding argument IN typed and clears its value.
        values - array of new argument values