Interface ArchiveDataListener

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface ArchiveDataListener
    Listener notifying about archive data arrival.
    • Method Detail

      • onArchiveData

        void onArchiveData​(sk.ipesoft.d2000.base.UnivalValue<?>[] data,
                           boolean noMoreData)
        Notify that new data from archive request has arrived. If noMoreData is true, then no more data from archive came.
        data - data from archive
        noMoreData - specified if more data can arrived or not
      • onArchiveObjectDescription

        void onArchiveObjectDescription​(ArchiveObjectDescription description)
        Handle description of archive object. Description is always processed just before the first data chunk.
        description - description of archive object
      • onError

        void onError​(D2JapiErrorCode errorCode)
        Notify about error that occurs during data arrival from archive. After this notification, no more onArchiveData arrives.
        errorCode - specifies type of error