TEXT %XML_ToString( INT in handle, [TEXT in encoding = "utf-8"] [BOOL in useProcInstruction] )
handle | Handle to an open XML document. |
encoding | Encoding that will be displayed in the procedural instruction <?xml version="1.0" encoding="xxx"?>. |
useProcInstruction | Disables the displaying of procedural instruction <?xml version="1.0" encoding="xxx"?>. |
INT _handle, _element, _node TEXT _text _handle := %XML_CreateDocument() _element := %XML_AddElement(_handle, "element") _node := %XML_AddTextNode(_element, "value") _text := %XML_ToString(_handle) ; content of the variable _text ; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?<element>value</element> _text:= %XML_ToString(_handle,"",@FALSE) ; content of the variable _text ; <element>value</element>
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