TestLimit function
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Status | Meaning |
InLimit | The value from the interval <LL..HL>. |
VLL | The value is lower than VLL. |
LL | The value is lower than LL. |
HL | The value is higher than HL. |
VHL | The value is higher than VHL. |
Transient | Transient status - there was executed a command to set the object value, but there has not been verified the setting of value by backward reading yet. |
Default | Default value. |
Weak | Weak value - the system does not consider this value as valid because there have not been fulfilled all the conditions of its validity. |
Weak Cmd | Weak Command. |
Weak Ans | Weak Answer. |
Limits Problem | Crossing of the dynamic limits - the condition VLL<LL<HL<VHL has been broken. |
= TestLimit(DDEreference, Stat)
DDEreference | DDE reference in the format D_2000|STATUS!objname or D_2000|ARCH_STATUS!blname. |
Stat | Status: Normal, Undefined, Out of range, Div by zero, Err. |
= TestLimit(D_2000|STATUS!U.Kx_O2_Ref_Plyn,InLimit)
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