OnBeforeEditItem picture event
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ENTRY OnBeforeEditItem(IN INT _refId, IN INT _row, _col, RECORD (*STRUCTURE DEFINITION*) _rowData, BOOL _bAllowEdit) ; operations END OnBeforeEditItem
ENTRY XXX_OnBeforeEditItem(IN INT _row, _col, RECORD (*STRUCTURE DEFINITION*) _rowData, BOOL _bAllowEdit) ; operations END XXX_OnBeforeEditItem
_refId | For global operation - mandatory input parameter of the Int. type. |
XXX | Name of the Reference variable connected to the graphic object without the introductory sign "_". |
_row, _col | Row, column of a cell of which value needs to be approved. |
_rowData | Structure representing edited row. |
_bAllowEdit | Output parameter - allowance indication of value editing. |
The event is generated by the diplayer of the Browser type in the moment before the cell editing beginning. The cell is identified by its row (_row) and column (_col).
It is used when it is necessary to pre-fill the cell value in the editing window. In such case, a handler sets the cell in the _rowData parameter to the required value. This set value will be pre-filled for the user when starting to edit cells. Setting of the _rowData cell in a column different from _col is ignored.
If an event handler sets output parameter _bAllowEdit to the @FALSE value, the user will not be allowed to edit a cell.
If an event handler sets output paramete_bAllowEdit to the @TRUE value, the user will be allowed to edit a cell.
ENTRY browser_OnBeforeEditItem(IN INT _row, IN INT _col, RECORD (SD.Params) _rowData, BOOL _bAllowEdit) IF _row = 1 THEN _rowData[1]^Name:= "Name1" ENDIF END browser_OnBeforeEditItem
ENTRY OnBeforeEditItem(IN INT _refId, IN INT _row, IN INT _col, RECORD (SD.Params) _rowData, BOOL _bAllowEdit) IF _refId = _browser THEN IF _row = 1 THEN _rowData[1]^Name:= "Name1" ENDIF ENDIF END OnBeforeEditItem
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