%HBJToUID function

The function returns UID (64 character string) to an object which is defined by a unique identifier (HOBJ) in the D2000 System.
  HBJ in objID
objIDA value of HBJ or INT type.
The function sends a demand to the  D2000 Server and finds out UID of object according to an object unique identifier which has been set by the parameter objID. If the object exists or the parameter is an invalid value, the function returns the invalid value.
TEXT _uid
_uid := %HBJToUID(205)         ; _uid will contain a value "ABE00..." providing that, the object with HBJ=205 exists
_uid := %HBJToUID(SD.DATA\HBJ) ; _uid will also contain a value "ABE00..." providing that, the object SD.DATA exists and its HBJ=205
; If these objects do not exist in an application, _uid will be a invalid value.
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