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GETROWDESC structIdent, rowIdent, descIDent
structIdent | in | Reference to an object of Structured variable type. |
rowIdent | in | Number of a row, which description to be retrieved (Integer). |
descIDent | out | Local variable of Text type or reference to an item of a structured variable of Text type. |
If the parameter rowIDent is different from zero, the action retrieves the description of given row and inserts it into the parameter descIDent.
In case the row has no description defined or the number of row is greater than the number of structured variable rows, the parameter descIdent gets invalid value.
If rowIdent is equal to 0, the action retrieves the descriptions of all rows of specified structured variable. In this case, the parameter descIdent must be the reference to an local variable item of theText type. Then the action changes the dimension of the local variable to required dimension (the dimension is size is specified by the number of rows of the structure structIdent) and inserts the descriptions into particular column items. For rows with no descriptions, it returns invalid value.
RECORD (SD.RecordDef) _desc ; Retrieving the description of 1st row of structured variable SV.Structure GETROWDESC SV.Structure, 1, _desc^Text ; Retrieving the descriptions of all rows of structured variable SV.Structure GETROWDESC SV.Structure, 0, _desc^Text ; the action internally executes the following action: REDIM _desc[SV.Structure\DIM]
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