The dialog box for creating an archive is opened by selecting New Archive from the submenu displayed when you right-click on the name of an existing application. Then it is necessary to select the Oracle platform in the Select platform window.

Vytvorenie archívu


User with SYSDBA rights.


User password.

TNS Name

TNS of the database database (Transparent Network Substrate, see the description of file tnsnames.ora in Oracle documentation), in which the archive tablespace is located.

Running as an instance of shadow archive

Checking this option ensures that if the D2000 Server process is restarted, the D2Start process will not restart the database server of this archive.
It is recommended to use this option in the case of redundant systems in the D2000 if shadow archives are configured on the machines where the D2000 Server is also running so that the connection to the database server is not interrupted. The archive database server and the D2000 Server process database server must be different.

Create the only link to an existing application

If the option is checked, the scripts for creating an Oracle archive will not be run, only the archive node for the Oracle archive will be created. This way of creating an Oracle archive is important if the Oracle archive already physically exists and you only need to connect to it.

List of parameters

AppNameApplication name. It must be identical to the name of the application you created in the D2000 Application Manager.
TempTablespaceA temporary tablespace in the database that will be available to the D2000. The default is the 'TEMP' tablespace.

Location of database data files. Enter the path including the trailing slash (e.g. c:\oracle\ora92\oradata\D2000\) or enter an empty value '' if the data files are located in the default database directory.


Process name of D2000 Archiv (/Wname), default value is 'SELF'.


The archive will be located in the configuration tablespace (compact configuration for Oracle XE). If this parameter is True, the following parameters regarding the size and number of archive tablespace data files can be ignored.

ArchivCountDatafilesThe number of data files in the archive tablespace.
ArchivStartDatafileSizeInitial size of the archive tablespace data file.
ArchivMaxDatafileSizeMaximum size of the archive tablespace data file.
ArchivDatafileSizeStepThe increment size of the archive tablespace data file.

Note: Specify the size and size increments of the data files in MB, e.g. '5M', '1000M'. 

Parameter values are read from the script. If scripts are missing, only the application name is loaded into the parameter list.

Note: When creating the archive, the AppName, TempTablespace and DatafilePath parameters are read from the application parameters. It is forbidden to change the AppName parameter.
It is only possible to change other archive parameters displayed in the list when configuring a new archive.
It is forbidden to change this parameter list when modifying an existing archive.

Creating an archive on the Oracle platform is secured by running Oracle scripts.

For an archive database in an Oracle database, it is necessary to do the following:

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