%TimeToStr function
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TEXT %TimeToStr( TIME in TimeA, TEXT in mask )
timeA | Absolute time. |
mask | The time format of the result string. |
String | Description |
yyyy or rrrr | 4-digit year representation. |
yy or rr | Last two digits of the year. |
mm | Month |
dd | Day |
hh | Hour |
hb, HH | Trading hour - hour in the day from 1 to 25. |
mi | Minute |
ss | Second |
mss | Millisecond |
tttt | Name of day in week *. |
ttt | 3-character shortcut of the name of the day in week *. |
tt | 2-character shortcut of the name of the day in week *. |
ZZZ | UTC offset in hours using format "(+|-)hh". |
ZZZZZ | UTC offset in hours and minutes using the format "(+|-)hhmi". |
ZZZZZZ | UTC offset in hours and minutes using the format "(+|-)hh:mi". |
Only the first appearance of given time component in mask is being replaced. In case of multiple masks of the same time component with different lengths (e.g. yy and yyyy), only the longest one will be replaced.
When switching from summer to winter time (when the time interval 2:00 - 3:00 is repeated), the function returns the same text value for the first and second interval, therefore it is not possible to distinguish which interval it is.
%TimeToStr(M.TiA_01, "hh:mi:ss.mss dd-mm-rrrr")
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