A template archive is created using the Device Definition (or above specific device definition items) and/or other template archives. The purpose of the template archive is to create an archive object configuration template using the Device Definition. Based on this template, the D2000 Archiv process will create an instance of the template for all Devices that are based on this Device Definition.

All four types of archives can be created using template archives:

The following applies to all types of template archive objects:

  • The "Publish values" option must be checked.
  • The Target object (or Target column or Target structure) must be specified, which is the Device Definition item (e.g. DD.Generator^PowerArc).
  • The template archive name is derived from the Device Definition name and the item name configured as the Target object (for example, if the Target object is DD.Generator^PowerArc, the template archive name will be DD.Generator.PowerArc).
    Note: this feature automatically ensures that no other template archive (or another template eval tag) is accidentally published to the same item.
  • Access to archive values (from an ESL script, from a HI process, from a graph, etc.) is through an item of a specific Device (configured as a Target Object) that has this Device Definition (e.g. DI.Generator1^PowerArc).


This archive allows defining a template primary archive that provides primary archiving of Devices that are based on this Device Definition.

The archived object or source of values must be a device item (e.g. DD.Generator^Power).

The Target object must be an item of Device Definition (e.g. DD.Generator^PowerArc) - it must be the same Device Definition that is configured as an Archived object (but of course, the column must be different).

Figure 1: Example configuration of the DD.Generator.PowerArc template primary archive, which archives the Power item from the DD.Generator Device Definition and publishes it to the PowerArc item of the same DD.Generator Device Definition.


This archive allows the definition of a template statistical archive, which ensures the calculation of a statistical function over another source archive - a Historical value, which must be another template archive.

The Target object must be an item of Device Definition (e.g. DD.Generator^PowerArcAvg) - it must be the same Device Definition that the source archive configured as a Historical value has as a Target object (but of course, the column must be different).

Figure 2: Example of the DD.Generator.PowerArcAvg template statistics archive configuration, which calculates statistics over the DD.Generator.PowerArc template archive (see Figure 1) and publishes it to the PowerArcAvg item of DD.Generator Device Definition.


Todo - unimplemented

This archive allows you to define a template calculated archive over other template archives and, possibly, over other non-template archives. The following must be true:

  • only template archives that work with the same Device Definition that is configured as a Target column of this template archive can appear in the expression
  • other, non-template archives may appear in the expression. However, zero-index structured archive entries must not occur (e.g. H.MyStruct[0]^Col1 or H.MyStructCol[0])


This archive allows you to define a template value storage. No source is specified when configuring the value store. The Target structure must be an item of Device Definition (e.g. DD.Generator^PlanArc).

Figure 4: Example of the DD.Generator.PlanArc template value storage configuration, which publishes values to the PlanArc item of DD.Generator Device Definition.

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