IEC 60870-5-101 communication protocol

Supported device types and versions 
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
Line protocol parameters
I/O tag configuration
Tell commands 
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

This protocol (known also as IEC 870-5-101 or IEC-101) supports:

  • standard IEC 60870-5-101:2003 in both "unbalanced" (master and slave) and "balanced" modes,
  • redundancy of communication lines according to the so-called Norwegian convention (Norwegian IEC 870-5-101 User Conventions).

Communication line configuration

Line categories:

Implementation is, according to the IEC870-5-101 standard, as follows:

  • The originator ASDU address is not present.
  • ASDU address is 1 byte, it is defined as the station address. ASDU addresses of all stations on one line must be different.
  • The cause of transmission is 1 byte (does not contain the Originator ASDU address).
  • The information object address is 2 bytes, it is defined as an I/O tag address.

If a redundant communication on two lines is required (Norwegian conventions) use the line categories Serial Line Redundant or SerialOverUDP Device Redundant.

If you require the system-redundant communication, use SerialOverUDP System&Line Redundant or Serial System&Line Redundant line categories. Providing that, this communication should be also network redundant, enter "Secondary line" for both "A System" and "B System". This configuration then works in such a way that it concurrently sends and receives data from two systems and each is network-redundantly connected in compliance with the so-called Norwegian convention (Norwegian IEC 870-5-101 User Conventions).

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol "IEC 870-5-101 balanced", "IEC 870-5-101 unbalanced primary (Master)" or "IEC 870-5-101 unbalanced secondary (Slave)".
  • The station address is a number in the range 0 - 255 and is used in the protocol as the ASDU address. It can be specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number with a hash at the beginning (e.g. #0A).
  • The synchronization of the station real-time may be enabled also for the protocols "master" and "balanced - station A (controlling)". Set the synchronization period to a nonzero value. The synchronization is executed by ASDU 103 "Clock synchronization command" in the local time according to settings of the D2000 System.

The Browse button opens a browsing dialog for the station address. If the communication is functional, a dialog with the ASDU addresses received so far is displayed. The Refresh button can be used to clear the list of received ASDU addresses.

Note: in the case of the "slave" and "balanced" protocols, if an Interrogation (ASDU 100) or Counter Interrogation (ASDU 101) command arrives for the "broadcast" address (hexadecimal FF or FFFF according to the Link Address parameter), data from all stations will be sent.

Line protocol parameters

Configuration dialog box - tab Protocol parameters.
They influence some optional parameters of the protocol. The following station protocol parameters can be set:

Table 1




Default value

Link AddressCommon link address.-1
Length of ASDU AddressLength of ASDU address.1/2 byte(s)1
Length of Link AddressLength of common link address.1/2 byte(s)1
Length of Info Object AddressLength of info object address.1/2/3 byte(s)2
Length of Cause Of TransmissionLength of "Cause Of Transmission".1/2 byte(s)1

Retry CountThe delay between request retry in case of a communication failure.-2
Retry TimeoutThe delay between retry of call in case of a communication error.ms100 millisecond
Wait First TimeoutDelay after sending the request before reading the response.ms100 millisecond
Wait TimeoutDelay between response readings until it is completed.ms500 millisecond
Max. Wait RetryRetry count of response reading until it is completed.-6
No Data TimeoutDelay of next call "Request user data class 1/2" if no data have been received (only master).ms300 millisecond
Inactivity TimeoutInterval of connection monitoring. If no valid data have not been received, station status will go to a communication error. Switching of redundant devices in case of SerialOverUDP Device Redundant line (only slave).ms5 sec.
Moxa TimeoutThe switching interval of the redundant devices MOXA NPort in case of communication error (only master, balanced).sec.10
Source FlagsSet flags FI..FL according to the source of line. If SerialOverUDP System+Line Redundant is used, the values will have these flags:
  • System A, primary line: FI
  • System A, secondary line: FJ
  • System B, primary line: FK
  • System B, secondary line: FL

Note: Flag was used in communication with redundant systems to distinguish the wrong values that were sent by a partner system, which was supposed to be passive and not to send nothing.
No Output FlagsActivation of parameter results in ignoring flags FA..FH for output I/O tags. If this parameter is turned off, flags FA..FH are mapped to individual bits of a quality byte.-NO
Link Test TimeoutInterval of request sending "Test function for link" if timeout elapsed and no data telegrams were transferred (balanced only).sec.10

Single Value In Spontaneous Answer

When sending spontaneous changes, these will be sent one-per-ASDU and they will not be cumulated into longer packets. The parameter was implemented to handle a bug in a particular TM1703mic.-NO

Data Class

The class used for sending data (slave only). IEC 101 Master sends Class1 (high priority) and Class2 (normal) read data requests. Slave responds to them with data or a message that it has no data. In both Class1 and Class2 responses there is an ACD flag that the slave has Class1 data available. If set, the IEC 101 Master will then request Class1 data.

The parameter affects behavior as follows:

  • Class1&2 - IEC 101 Slave responds to Class1 and Class2 requests with data. The ACD flag sets if it has additional data.
  • Class1 - IEC 101 Slave sends all data as Class1 and responds to the Class2 requests that it has no data. The ACD flag sets if it has additional data.
  • Class2 - IEC 101 Slave sends all data as Class2 and responds to the Class1 requests that it has no data. The ACD flag sets to 0 (it does not have Class1 data).
  • Prio reply - IEC 101 Slave sends responses to command ASDUs as Class1 data and other ASDUs (value changes, responses to Interrogation) as Class2.
    Note: The responses to Interrogation (ASDU 100) and Counter Interrogation (ASDU 101) commands and all the values sent as a part of the response are also sent as Class1 data.

The default value of the parameter is Class1.

Prio reply

Single Request

Discard received data before sending a response (only slave). If a correct request is received and the IEC 101 Slave wants to send a response, it will clear the incoming queue before sending, if the queue has data in it. This parameter serves as a protection against various data duplications due to communication partner errors (e.g. OSI Monarch with RtuPing running during switching of active communication line).-NO

Filter Spontaneous Values

Filtering multiple spontaneous values of the same I/O tag when sending (only slave, balanced). If some I/O tags change so fast that there would be multiple values of the same I/O tag in one response to a data request, activating this parameter causes only one (latest) spontaneous value to be sent. 
Note: the filter does not affect the sending of commands (ASDU 45 and above).


Send Confirmation CommandType of sent confirmation to write value (only slave, balanced).-
7(CONF) and 10(TERM)
Accept Confirmation CommandType of record confirmation to be accepted successfully (only master, balanced).-
7(CONF) or 10(TERM)
7(CONF) or 10(TERM)
Max. MTULimitation of data packet size (only slave, balanced).bytes220
Phys. Trans. DirectionSetting a bit DIR in balance mode (only balanced).Station A(Controlling)
Station B(Controlled)
Station A(Controlling)
Single Byte AckSend single-byte ACK preferentially (0xE5).YES/NONO
Interrog. Covers CountersSend the call 100 and counter values on general interrogation (only slave, balanced).YES/NOYES
Send EOISend "end of interrogation command" to all ASDU (only slave).YES/NOYES
Send Interrog. in Sec. Direct.Send general interrogation command in case of slave or balanced controlled station B (only slave, balanced).YES/NONO

Sinaut Mode

Communication for the Sinaut Spectrum system, which requires non-standard behavior on redundant lines (different from the Norwegian convention).YES/NONO

System Redundancy: Manages A Status Address


Ignore Unknown Addresses

If Ignore Unknown Addresses=TRUE, the D2000 KOM process will not show an error on its console or write it into log files in case the incoming value has the address not matching any of the addresses of I/O tags defined in the D2000 system.-False
Full DebugA high level of communication tracking, the received values of I/O tags, and other debug information is shown.YES/NONO

I/O tag configuration

Possible value types of I/O tags: Ai, Ao, Di, Dout, Ci, Co, Qi

I/O tag address is a numerical address of data object IOA (in the range 0 - 65535).  It can be specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number with a hash at the beginning (e.g. #0A).
The I/O tag with an address starting with %IGNORE will be ignored.

In the case of command direction in master or balanced mode, it is necessary to configure a proper ASDU type:

ASDU typeI/O Tag type
45 - Single commandDout
46 - Double commandDout, Co
47 - Regulating step commandDout
48 - Set point command, normalised valueAo
49 - Set point command, scaled valueCo
50 - Set point command, short floating point valueAo
51 - Bitstring of 32 bitCo
58 - Single command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
59 - Double command with time tag CP56Time2aDout, Co
60 - Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
61 - Set point command, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
62 - Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2aCo
63 - Set point command, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2a Ao
64 - Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2aCo

In case of slave or balanced mode je is necessary to configure je proper ASDU type in v data direction:

ASDU typeI/O Tag type
1 - Single-point informationDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
2 - Single-point information with time tagDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
3 - Double-point informationQi, Ai, Ci
4 - Double-point information with time tagQi, Ai, Ci
5 - Step position informationCi, Ai *
6 - Step position information with time tagCi, Ai *
7 - Bitstring of 32 bitsCi, Ai
8 - Bitstring of 32 bits with time tagCi, Ai
9 - Measured value, normalized valueAi
10 - Measured value, normalized value with time tagAi
11 - Measured value, scaled valueCi, Ai
12 - Measured value, scaled value with time tagCi, Ai
13 - Measured value, short floating point valueAi
14 - Measured value, short floating point value with time tagAi
15 - Integrated totalsCi, Ai
16 - Integrated totals with time tagCi, Ai
17 - Event of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR **
18 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR ***
20 - Packed single-point information with status change detectionCi, Ai
21 - Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptorAi
30 - Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2aDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
31 - Double-point information with CP56Time2a tagQi, Ai, Ci
32 - Step position information with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai *
33 - Bitstring of 32 bits with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
34 - Measured value, normalized value with CP56Time2a tagAi
35 - Measured value, scaled value with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
36 - Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2aAi
37 - Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai
38 - Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR **
39 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
40 - Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***

Note 1: Individual bits of a quality byte (SIQ for ASDU 1,2,30; DIQ for ASDU 3,4,31; QDS for 5-14,20,32-36) set the attributes FLA (0.bit), FLB (1.bit) ..FLH (7.bit).
for ASDU 4: FLA=DPI bit 0, FLB=DPI bit 1, FLC=0, FLD=0, FLE=BL bit, FLF=SB bit, FLG=NT bit, FLH=IV bit.
for ASDU 16: FLA..FLE Sequence number bits 0..4, FLF=CY bit, FLG=CA bit, FLH=IV bit


  • if bit IV (Invalid) is set, the status of value will be Invalid
  • if one of the NT (Not topical), SB (Substituted), BL (Blocked), OV (Overflow), CA (Counter adjusted), or CY (Counter overflow) bits are set in their respective ASDU types, the status of value will be Weak.

* - T-bit from the value of ASDU sets the attribute FI into the value of I/O tag which has value type Ci/Ai and they are interpreted as numbers -64 up-to +63.

** - ASDU 17 and 38: the value of SEP byte sets the attributes FLA (0.bit), FLB (1.bit) up-to FLH (7.bit), following 2 bytes (CP16Time2a) are interpreted as a positive number (0-60 000) into the value of I/O tag with value type Ci/Ai or as a relative time (0-60 seconds) into the value of I/O tag with TiR value type.

*** - ASDU 18, 39 and 40: value of SPE(ASDU 18,39) or OCI (ASDU 40) byte sets the attributes FLI (0.bit), FLJ (1.bit) up-to FLP (7.bit). The value of byte QDP sets the attributes FLA (0.bit), FLB (1.bit) up-to FLH (7.bit), following 2 bytes (CP16Time2a) are interpreted as a positive number (0-60 000) into the value of I/O tag with value type Ci/Ai or as a relative time (0-60 seconds) into the value of I/O tag with TiR value type.

Note 2: When using the system and line redundant categories of lines, the status of line and station is formed by a logical sum of all used lines. It means, that if the redundant system consists of four lines and just one line is working, the status of the station and line is all right. The status of lines is presented with the help of special input or output I/O tag (of integer and real type, i.e. Ai/Ao/Ci/Co). The name of this I/O tag has this format: [line_name]_SystemStatus (e.g. for line L.Test it is M.Test_SystemStatus). The value of the I/O tag represents the binary format of the status of N-tuple lines. If the first three lines are okay but the last one does not work (SystemB/SecondaryLine) i.e. [FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE], I/O tag has the value 0b0111, i.e. 7.
The order of lines mapped to individual bits is [SystemB/SecondaryLine,  SystemB/PrimaryLine, SystemA/SecondaryLine, SystemA/PrimaryLine].


For the I/O tags, it is possible to discover the list of objects, as long as the KOM process is running and communication with a station is established.
Clicking the Browse button opens the IEC870-5-101 Item Browser window and displays a list of objects that have been read so far. The object list is created dynamically as a result of received messages.

The list of objects is dynamic, i.e. when a new value arrives in the KOM process, it is updated. Filtering in individual columns is also supported, asterisks can be used in the mask (e.g. *Short*).

Double-clicking on a particular line will cause the Address parameter to be inserted into the configuration of the I/O tag from which the IEC870-5-101 Item Browser window was opened.

The Refresh button clears the list of values in both the CNF and the KOM process.

The Value column contains the received value.

Tell commands

STWATCHSTWATCH StationNameTell command sends Interrogation Command (if it is configured/permitted for specific protocol).


  • Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 5-101: Transmission protocols – Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks (IEC 60870-5-101:2003),
  • Telecontrol equipment and systems Part 5-2: Link transmissions procedures (IEC 60870-5-2:1992),
  • Norwegian IEC 870-5-101 User Conventions, Approved version Revision no. 2.0,


You can read blogs about the IEC 870-5-101 protocol (for now, in Slovak language only): 

Changes and modifications

  • June 2015 - implemented Source Flags parameter

Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 - November 22nd, 2007 - document creating
  • Ver. 1.1 - April 22nd, 2009 - document updating
  • Ver. 1.2 - June 8th, 2015 - new parameter implemented
  • Ver. 1.3 – June 15th, 2020: browsing support

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