Since version D2000 v7.1.0, release A050525000, a new ASDU 252 has been implemented into the communication protocols IEC 870-5-104 and IEC 870-5-104 Server. The ASDU 252 allows data transfer between two D2000 Systems, one of them uses the protocol IEC 870-5-104 and the other one uses IEC 870-5-104 Server.
ASDU 252 should be used if you need to transfer:

  • values along with their user attributes (flags),
  • values of Text, Relative time, and Absolute time type,
  • analog values with 32-bit accuracy,
  • values of basic object attributes ValueLimitStatus and/or ValueProcAlarmStatus (very rarely).

Required configuration

  • the types of output I/O tag and respective input I/O tag must be the same (Ao-Ai, Dout-Di, TxtO-TxtI, ...)
  • configuration of output I/O tag must be set to ASDU 252 (the tab Address, the parameter ASDU type)

Note for patches from 19.5.2023 and later: if the respective input and output I/O tags are not of the same type, the conversion will take place, and at the same time a warning will be saved in the line log.

Communication station parameters:

KeywordFull nameMeaningUnitDefault value
D2000 Copy Limit StatusThe parameter is set on the station that is the parent of input I/O tags for which the partner station sends ASDU 252. Such I/O tag then ignores its defined limits and copies the ValueLimitStatus (basic object attribute) of its control object. If there are configured process alarms for input I/O tag, they will be evaluated according to the ValueLimitStatus copied from the control object.

Note: The parameter D2VCO must be set on the partner station.

D2000 Copy Process AlarmsThe parameter is set on the station that is the parent of input I/O tags for which the partner station sends ASDU 252. Such I/O tag then ignores its configuration and copies process alarms of the control object of partner output I/O tag.

Note: The parameter D2VCO must be set on the partner station.

D2000 ASDU Value from Control ObjectThe parameter is set on the station that is the parent of output I/O tags with defined ASDU 252. If a control object is defined for such I/O tag, then the value of the control object is sent to communication as the output value (along with its basic object attributes - ValueType, ValueTime, ValueStatus, ValueLimitStatus, ValueProcAlarmStatus, ...).
Warning: In this case, there are ignored all configuration of output I/O tag concerning process alarms, limits and value conversion ! Value of output I/O tag seems to be correct within D2000 system, but there is sent "raw" value of control object into communication.

Note: To send "raw" value of control object, the value types of control object and output I/O tag must be the same, otherwise there is sent ordinary output value. This behavior was modified in patches from 19.5.2023 and later - the value is always sent.



  • The parameters D2CLS and D2CPA allow getting values of process alarms and ValueLimitStatus of control object only (not given I/O tag) - because process alarms and ValueLimitStatus of I/O tag are being set after its writing.
  • Implemented functionality (combination of the parameters D2CLS, D2CPA and D2VCO) may cause the value of output I/O tag to be "inconsistent" (e.g. value is in IN_LIMIT status and there is the process alarm HL active at the same time). !!! WE RECOMMEND TO  USE IT CAREFULLY !!!
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