Related pages:
SQL_BINDIN handleIdent_Int, retCodeIdent_Int, _Par1, _Par2, ... SQL_BINDIN handleIdent_Int, retCodeIdent_Int, _VarRowIdent
handleIdent_Int | in | Identifier - the unique number (handle) of a connection. |
retCodeIdent_Int | out | Return code identifier. |
_Par1, _Par2, ... | in | List of objects, constants or local variables, which will specify the values of parameters of parameterized SQL command SELECT. |
_VarRowIdent | in | Reference to a row of local variable of the Record type or to a row of structured variable. The row's values will specify the values of parameters of parameterized SQL command SELECT. |
Work with a database (actions SQL_ ...)
INT _handle ; handle to database INT _retCode ; return code TEXT _name ; product name TEXT _type ; product type ; parameterized SQL command TEXT _sql = "SELECT Name, Type FROM Products WHERE ID>= #PAR# AND ID<= #PAR#" SQL_CONNECT MyDatabase, _handle, _retCode SQL_PREPARE _handle, _retCode, _sql BINDOUT _name, _type SQL_BINDIN _handle, _retCode, 1, 100 ; read all products between 1 and 100 DO_LOOP SQL_FETCH _handle, _retCode EXIT_LOOP _retCode # _ERR_NO_ERROR ; data processing goes here END_LOOP SQL_FREE _handle SQL_DISCONNECT _handle
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