Object value attributes

Mathematical expressions may contain references to individual attributes of a complex object value. These attributes are placed after the object name, and they are separated from the name by backslash "\". The list of the attributes is shown in the following table.

Attribute nameAttribute value typeMeaning
TIMAbsolute timeTime of the last object value change.
LIMIntegerValue limit state [0-InLimit, 1-VL_Limit, 2-L_Limit, 3-H_Limit, 4-VH_Limit, 5-LimitsProblem]. Depending on the object value in relation to the defined limits, the attribute gains these values:
  • 0 - object value is both greater/equal with LL and less/equal to HL (LL<=value<=HL)
  • 1 - object values is less than VLL (value<VLL)
  • 2 - object value is both greater/equal with VLL and less than LL (VLL<=value<LL)
  • 3 - object value is both greater than HL and less/equal with VHL (HL<value<=VHL)
  • 4 - object value is greater than VHL (VHL<value)
  • 5 - violation of the condition: VLL<LL<HL<VHL or values defining the limits are not defined
BooleanValue validity (TRUE - valid value, FALSE - invalid value).
ALFBooleanIndication of an active process alarm of the given object (the object has an active process alarm - TRUE, if not - FALSE).
ALQBooleanAcknowledgment indication of the active process alarm of the given object (the active alarm is not acknowledged, i.e. it hasn't been acknowledged by an operator - TRUE or it is acknowledged, i.e. it was acknowledged by an operator - FALSE).
ALTAbsolute timeTime of process alarm value assignment.
IntegerProcess alarm type. Depending on the evaluation of process alarms defined for the given object, the attribute gains the following values:
  • 0 - PA_NoAlarm
  • 1 - PA_ToOn
  • 2 - PA_ToOff
  • 3 - PA_On
  • 4 - PA_Off
  • 5 - PA_Err
  • 6 - PA_Oscillate
  • 7 - PA_ErrCmdOn
  • 8 - PA_ErrCmdOff
  • 9 - PA_SwToTrans
  • 10 - PA_SwToOff
  • 11 - PA_SwToOn
  • 12 - PA_SwToErr
  • 13 - PA_SwTrans
  • 14 - PA_SwOff
  • 15 - PA_SwOn
  • 16 - PA_SwErr
  • 17 - PA_ErrZalCmdOff
  • 18 - PA_HL
  • 19 - PA_VHL
  • 20 - PA_LL
  • 21 - PA_VLL
  • 22 - PA_ToHL
  • 23 - PA_ToVHL
  • 24 - PA_ToLL
  • 25 - PA_ToVLL
  • 26 - PA_ErrWriteCmd
  • 27 - PA_Change
The meaning of individual process alarms is described in the topic Configuration of system texts - Process alarms.
WEABooleanIndication of a weak (suspicious) object value. A weak value is a value, that is not valid in the system, because all conditions of its validity are not still met. The object value is a weak one - TRUE, or the object value is not a weak one - FALSE.
NAKBooleanAcknowledgment indication of the last object value change. Object value change is not acknowledged - TRUE if it is - FALSE.
TRABooleanTransient state indication of the object value. A transient state occurs, when the command to set a value was executed, but the backward reading did not verify the setting of value. The object value is in Transient state - TRUE, if not - FALSE.
DEFBooleanDefault state indication of the object value. Default state occurs, when an I/O tag value gained by the communication process D2000 KOM is replaced by another value - a control object value, or it is set manually by an operator in process D2000 HI. The object value is in Default state - TRUE, if not - FALSE.
MANBooleanManual state indication of the object value. The manual state is active if the object value can be controlled (i.e. providing that a user has sufficient access rights or ESL script). A manual attribute may be set only for values of objects Remote tag, I/O tag, User variable, Structure variable item.
FLXIntegerAll attributes. Integer number, individual flags in the order FLA FLB FLC ... FLP are assigned to its binary representation. For example, the value of 1 is corresponding the situation, when the value of the flag A is TRUE and the values of all other flags are FALSE.
FLA .. FLPBooleanA particular flag value of an object value [FLFlagName].
DIMIntegerIt returns the structure size. It is usable only for values of Structure type.
HBJIntegerIt returns the unique identifier of an object in the D2000 system. Value is HBJ type, free convertible to Int type.
CNXIntegerIt returns the index of a structural column. The attribute is applicable to the reference to a structure item: SV.Structure^Int\CNX returns the value 2.
CNMTextIt returns the name of a structural column. The attribute is applicable to the reference to a structure item: SV.Structure^Text\CNM returns the value "Text".
CNRIntegerIt returns the count of structural columns. It is usable only for values of Structured variable type and Structure definition type.
ALCBooleanIndication of an active critical alarm of the given object (the object has an active critical alarm - TRUE, if not - FALSE).
ROW, COLInteger

If the attribute is applied to an Object type of item that refers to a item of another structure, the attribute returns the row or column to which the item refers.

For example:

INT _row
SET _locRec[2]^Object AS (HOBJ, 10, 20) DIRECT
_row := _locRec[2]^Object\ROW ; return value is 10


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