Import parameters are set at XML Import and XML Update.
The setting of parameters influence a result of the mentioned actions.

DB_ASYNCD2000 Server will not wait for the information about the finishing of record after all the data are prepared to be write into configuration (database).
UID_STRICTAt the matching of objects or objects references it matches strictly on the basis of UID, if it is entered.
UID_USEXMLIf the import means an object update and UID of object in XML file is different form UID of object in D2000 Server, UID from XML file will be used. The condition is that the parameter UID_STRICT must be off!
IGNR_CRCDuring import, invalid or nonexistent CRC in the XML file is ignored. The modification time from the XML file is used even if the CRC is invalid (i.e., the configuration has been manually manipulated).
Note: the use of this parameter can be dangerous in redundant systems. If any of the redundant D2000 Servers is not running and the existing object is modified by XML export and import, while the modification time does not change, then during startup of the D2000 Server the configuration database will not be correctly synchronized (cfgsynchro works based on the modification time).
IGNR_CHECKThe check of correctness of the object configuration has been ignored. The import will be executed even if there is an error. We do not recommend to activate this parameter!
UPD_VARSThe XML files representing the objects of user variable or structured variable type are imported.
GROUP_ADDIt determines whether the membership of objects in the group will be add according to list in XML file (at importing of logical group or object group). If not, the object membership will be replaced by the list from XML file.
IGNR_REFSThe reserved section <REFEERENCES> in XML file is ignored when importing. All the references to objects occurring in other sections will be searched according to name in the target configuration. The references do not contain the information about unique identifier of object (UID), object type and value type of referenced object.
A user should be sure the name is unique, the object type and value type of referenced object is not checked.
We recommend you to use this parameter only in reasoned situations!

Import parameters are set at XML Import and XML Update.
The setting of parameters influence a result of the mentioned actions.

DB_ASYNCD2000 Server will not wait for the information about the finishing of record after all the data are prepared to be write into configuration (database).
UID_STRICTAt the matching of objects or objects references it matches strictly on the basis of UID, if it is entered.
UID_USEXMLIf the import means an object update and UID of object in XML file is different form UID of object in D2000 Server, UID from XML file will be used. The condition is that the parameter UID_STRICT must be off!
IGNR_CHECKThe check of correctness of the object configuration has been ignored. The import will be executed even if there is an error. We do not recommend to activate this parameter!
UPD_VARSThe XML files representing the objects of user variable or structured variable type are imported.
GROUP_ADDIt determines whether the membership of objects in the group will be add according to list in XML file (at importing of logical group or object group). If not, the object membership will be replaced by the list from XML file.
IGNR_REFSThe reserved section <REFEERENCES> in XML file is ignored when importing. All the references to objects occurring in other sections will be searched according to name in the target configuration. The references do not contain the information about unique identifier of object (UID), object type and value type of referenced object.
A user should be sure the name is unique, the object type and value type of referenced object is not checked.
We recommend you to use this parameter only in reasoned situations!
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