%GetSelfInstanceId function

The function detects the instance number of a given picture.

INT %GetSelfInstanceId(
   BOOL in bPhysical := @FALSE
bPhysical@TRUE - the function returns the current picture instance number.
@FALSE - the function returns the instance number that was required on opening the picture.

The function returns the picture instance number. If the parameter bPhysical is not defined or its value is False, the function returns such the instance number that was required on opening the picture.
If the parameter is True, the function returns the current picture instance number. The current instance number can differ from the required number if the picture is opened as a subpicture and the parameter Multiple open of the connection is checked. 

If the function is called in the context of a Unit event, it returns an event not a Unit instance.

See also: %GetSelfHBJ().
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