D2000 KomAPI - interface call-back functions
The addresses of call-back functions are gained by calling the function Init in the InitParams structure. The call-back functions allow you to completely utilize the tools of the D2000 objects - line, station, I/O tag and they execute the auxiliary actions.
- ActTime
- CreateList
- CreateThread
- ChangeLineMode
- DeleteEl
- DeleteList
- DeleteThread
- FindEl
- FindFirstEl
- FindFirstElAndDelete
- FindNextEl
- FindPreviousEl
- FreeMem
- GetApplDir
- GetFastPoint
- GetMem
- GetNumber
- GetOemProtName
- GetPoint
- GetRdStateAndInstance
- GetStation
- InsertEl
- InsertElPrio
- LnPerf_IncFramesIn
- LnPerf_IncFramesOut
- LnPerf_IncRetryErr
- LnPerf_IncRxBytes
- LnPerf_IncTxBytes
- MessageBox
- PointLastValidValue
- PointNewValue
- PointOldValue
- PointsApply
- ReadFromLine
- SetReceiveState
- SetStationStatus
- SetTransmitState
- StationsApply
- StPerf_CommActivity
- StPerf_IncFramesIn
- StPerf_IncFramesOut
- StPerf_IncRetryErr
- StPerf_TimeSynchro
- TimeFromItems
- TimeToItems
- TraceBufferASCII
- TraceBufferASCIIFile
- TraceBufferHex
- TraceBufferHexFile
- TraceComError
- TraceComErrorFile
- TraceComText
- TraceComTextFile
- WriteToLine
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