%XML_SaveDocument function

The function saves the XML document to the specific file on the disk.
BOOL %XML_SaveDocument(
    INT in document, 
   TEXT in fileName[,
   TEXT in encoding = "utf-8"] 
  [,BOOL in useProcInstruction]
documentHandle to XML document.
fileNameFile name.
encodingEncoding in which the document will be saved. You can use "utf-8" or "windows-1250".
useProcInstructionDisables the displaying of the procedural instruction <?xml version="1.0" encoding="xxx"?>, where "xxx" defines encoding, which is in fact in the "encoding" parameter.
Return value
@TRUE - document saved, @FALSE - cannot save the document.
The function saves the given XML document on the disk.
 BOOL _ok
 _ok := %XML_SaveDocument(_doc, "c:\data.xml")

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