DDE reference enables to get the status of object value:

= D_2000|ARCH_STATUS!blname_N


D_2000 - DDE Server name (required).

ARCH_STATUS - requirement for status of archive value (archive object).

blname_N is a string consisting of:

  • blname - logical name of archive block (COM_ID)
  • N – consecutive number of archive value within the archive block

DDE reference returns the string in the format "z1;z2;".

  • z1 can be one of these characters: N, U, O, D or E.
N Normal Valid value.
U Undefined Undefined value.
O Out of Range Value out of range.
D Error Error
E Div by Zero Dividing by zero.
  • if z1 is "N", DDE reference returns also the second part of the string - z2. This part of the string consists of two characters.
I_ In Limit The value from an interval <LL..HL>.
VL Very Low Limit The value is lower than VLL.
L_ Low Limit The value is lower than LL.
H_ High Limit The value is higher than HL.
VH Very High Limit The value is higher than VHL.
T_ Transient Transient status - there was executed a command to set the object value, but there has not been verified the setting of value by backward reading yet.
D_ Default Default value.
W_ Weak Weak value - the system does not consider this value as valid because there have not been fulfilled all the conditions of its validity.
WC Weak Cmd Weak Command.
WA Weak Ans Weak Answer.
LP Limits Problem Crossing of the dynamic limits - the condition VLL<LL<HL<VHL has been broken.

The example of DDE reference is - here.

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