A polygon is a closed plane shape compound of a specific number of lines. The process D2000 GrEditor allows you to create a polygon containing up to 16 sides (triacontagon - 16-sided polygon). The following figures show examples of regular polygons.

To create a regular polygon

  1. In the Drawing toolbar, click the button Regular Polygon.
  2. Point the mouse cursor to the point of the regular polygon centre and click.
  3. An auxiliary circle will appear. Define the radius of the regular polygon and click.
  4. A line will appear, whose one point is in the centre of the circle. Define the beginning point of the regular polygon and click.
  5. Define the central angle of the regular polygon and click.

Regular Polygon parameters

The regular polygon parameters are defined in the palette Object properties. The parameters are the same as the parameters of a rectangle.

Note relating to D2000 Thin Client

The events are not implemented for the object Regular Polygon in Thin Client.
For more rules see the page Drawing rules and object properties for the D2000 Thin Client.


Minimum supported versionD2000 V12.1N
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