Active picture events

During work with pictures, the user can generate events, that might be (or mustn't be) handled by special procedures so-called ENTRY in the script - to define the picture behaviour. ENTRY, with the syntactic declaration, looks like a procedure declaration.

Picture events can be generated by the picture (attempt to close it, timer) or graphic objects (pressing the mouse button, changing a text, ....). The set of picture events generated by graphic objects is different according to types of the objects.

Note: The D2000 System allows to use JAVA language to write the applications. The equivalents of active picture events are stated in the extra HTML files available in the D2000 System installation directory - subdirectory Help.

Common picture events

Picture events generated by picture

Picture events generated by graphic objects

Displayer of Browser type:

Displayer of Browser type or Windows control of List box type:

ActiveX object:


Displayer of Tree view type:

Displayer of Graph type:

Windows control of Text entry field type:

Any graphic object or Windows control of Push button type:

Spin button:

Zobrazovač HTML iFrame:


Drag&Drop events

Picture events for source object:

Picture events for target object:

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