OnMouseUp picture event

Global handler:
 ENTRY OnMouseUp(IN INT _refId, IN INT _btnNr, IN BOOL _shift, IN INT _X, IN INT _Y)
 ; script actions
 END OnMouseUp

Special handler:
ENTRY XXX_OnMouseUp(IN INT _btnNr, IN BOOL _shift, IN INT _X, IN INT _Y)
;  script actions
 END XXX_OnMouseUp
_refIdParameter of the INT type (required for global handler).
XXXName of Reference variable connected to graphic object (without the character "_").
_btnNrParameter of the BOOL type, that determines the pressed mouse button.
_shiftParameter of the BOOL type.
_YParameter of the INT type.
_YParameter of the INT type.
The picture event is being generated after releasing the mouse button (button down) above the picture. The parameter _shift determines whether the SHIFT key were pressed along with the mouse button. The parameters _X and _Y determines position of mouse pointer.
The parameter _btnNr identifies the pressed mouse button according to the following table:
_btnNrMouse button

The parameter _refId is used for graphic objects with defined Reference variable other than 0. So it is possible to use the special event handler. For the graphic object with no defined Reference variable, it is required to use the global event handler and the parameter _refId will be 0. Also when the user press the mouse button above the picture (not above graphic object).

 If some item was selected by mouse (e.g. an item of a tree), this selection performs before the entry calling.
Special picture event handler:

ENTRY TV_OnMouseUp(IN  INT _btnNr, IN  BOOL _bShift, IN  INT _xPos, IN  INT _yPos)
 END TV_OnMouseUp

Global picture event handler:

ENTRY OnMouseUp(IN  INT _refId, IN  INT _btnNr, IN  BOOL _bShift, IN  INT _xPos,   IN   INT _yPos)
 END OnMouseUp

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