%HI_SetVisibleGraphControls function

 This function enables/disables the access to the control buttons and table in a graph.
   INT in _refId,
   BOOL in _bOvladacieTlacidla,
   BOOL in _bTabulka
_refIDReference to a graphic object (reference variable).
_bOvladacieTlacidlaEnable/disable the access to the control buttons in the upper part of graph.
_bTabulkaEnable/disable the access to the table in the graph.
This function enables/disables the access to the control buttons and table in the graph. If the control buttons or table are disabled, they are hide in the graph window. The disabling also works for the controlling through the popup menu.
%HI_SetVisibleGraphControls(_Graph,  @FALSE, @TRUE)

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