%HI_SetEnableGraphButtons function

The function enables/disables an access to some buttons placed in the graph.
   INT in _refId,
   INT in ref_btn,
   BOOL in _bEnable  
refIDReference to graphic object (reference variable).
ref_btnNumber of button which is to be enabled / disabled:

1 - on-line graph configuration
2 - setting of the processes display in graph
3 - definition of time interval for value display
4 - switch of the graph to original interval after history browsing
5 - button in graph for time shift to the left
6 - button in graph for time shift to the right

bEnableEnables/disables the access.

The function enables/disables an access to some buttons placed in the graph.

%HI_SetEnableGraphButtons(_Graph, 1, @FALSE)

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