%HI_SetBrowserStText function

The function %HI_SetBrowserStText sets the object of the Status text type for field, row or column of the Browser displayer. A type of status text is determined by the object of the Status text (control function).
   INT in refId,
   INT in _row,
   INT in _col,
   HBJ in stText
refIdReference to the displayer (reference variable).
_rowRow of the field.
_colColumn of the field.
stTextReference to object the Status text type.

The function sets the object of the Status text type to specific item of the Browser displayer. This setting can be cancelled by inserting 0 (zero) into the parameter stText.

;status text setting for column No. 3
 %HI_SetBrowserStText (_browser, 0, 3, sttxt_Colors\HBJ)
;status text setting for field [2,3]
 %HI_SetBrowserStText (_browser, 2, 3, sttxt_Colors\HBJ)

Note 2
This function is available also in the %HIX_ version.

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