%HI_SetBmp function

Function changes bitmap in graphic object Bitmap.
   INT in refId,
   HBJ in bmp,
   BOOL in bOriginalSize,
   BOOL in byCenter,
  [, BOOL in bProportional]
refIdReference to a graphic object (reference variable).
bOriginalSize@TRUE - by its size
@FALSE - by the size in HI
byCenter@TRUE - by the centre size in HI
@FALSE - by the location (upper left point)
bProportional@TRUE - it draws a picture and keeps its aspect ratio in the area of active bitmap
@FALSE - it draws a picture and adjust it to the defined area of active bitmap. @FALSE is used if the parameter is not defined.
Function changes bitmap in graphic object Bitmap from script.
%HI_SetBmp(_bmp, otvor.bmp\HBJ, @TRUE, @FALSE, @TRUE)

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