%HI_OpenLogDBForObject function

The function %HI_OpenLogDBForObject opens the dialog to browse the log database (control function).
   HBJ in refToObj, 
   INT in priorityMask, 
   BOOL in bASC, 
   INT in pageLen, 
   INT in intervalType


   HBJ in refToObj, 
   INT in priorityMask, 
   BOOL in bASC, 
   INT in pageLen, 
   TIME in bt, 
   TIME in et
refToObjReference to object.
priorityMaskEvent type filter.
  • @TRUE - ascending
  • @FALSE - descending
pageLenPage size within the interval of 5 ... 200.
intervalTypeTime interval for browsing events. Possible values:
  • 1  - last hour
  • 8  - last 8 hours
  • 12 - last 12 hours
  • 24 - last 24 hours
btBeginning time (when you define own time interval for browsing events).
etEnd time (when you define own time interval for browsing events).

The function opens the dialog box for browsing the log database according to defined parameters from the ESL script. The function parameters copy the behaviour of corresponding dialog box for opening the log database when you browse events related to particular object.

The parameter priorityMask represents the filter for the Event type. It must be other than 0 and must be the sum of the values of the predefined variables _LOG_PRTY_*.

The parameter intervalType is INT type and allows to define the time interval for browsing events.

To define other time interval use the parameters bt and et of Absolute time type.

%HI_OpenLogDBForObject(SystemD2000\HBJ, _LOG_PRTY_INFO, @TRUE, 20, 8)

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