%HI_GraphGetLineData function

The function %HI_GraphGetLineData returns the values in graph for a time interval.
   INT in refId,
   INT in lineNr,
  TIME in timeFrom,
  TIME in timeTo,
       in refToCol
refIdReference to the displayer (reference variable).
lineNrNumber of line, whose values you choose.
timeFromBeginning of the time interval.
timeToEnd of the time interval.
refToColReference to a column of local variable of the Record type.
The function enables to request data that have been changed when the correction of a graphic flow was executed (the correction has been activated by the function %HI_GraphCorrectionStart). The function returns the values for the defined time interval. It inserts these values into the parameter refToCol. The parameter must be a reference to column of the local variable of the Record type.

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