%HI_GetMetadata, %HI_SetMetadata functions

%HI_GetMetadata function gets back (according to the defined key) text value of metadata which is assigned to a graphic object.
%HI_SetMetadata function sets (according to the defined key) a text value of metadata which is assigned to a graphic object. 
TEXT %HI_GetMetadata(
   INT in _refId,
  TEXT in _key 
 BOOL  %HI_SetMetadata(
  INT in _refId,
  TEXT in _key,
  TEXT in _value,
  BOOL in _bOverWrite 
_refIdReference to a graphic object (reference variable).
_keyKey which specified the metadata.
_valueNew value of the metadata.
_bOverWriteTRUE - either metadata are inserted (if they do not exist) or the value of existing metadata is updated.
FALSE - either metadata are inserted (if metadata do not exist) or the existing value of metadata is kept.
%HI_GetMetadata gets back (according to the set key) text value of metadata which is assigned to graphic object.
%HI_SetMetadata sets new metadata to the graphic object according to defined key.
Note 1
Configuration of metadata for graphic object.

%HI_SetMetadata function applies the change of metadata only on the running instance of picture.
Note 2
These functions are available also in the %HIX_ version.

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