%HI_GetItemData, %HI_SetItemData functions


The %HI_SetItemData function sets the value related to the given Windows item of the Tree view type (control function).

The %HI_GetItemData function returns the user-defined value related to a given Windows item of Tree view type. 

   INT in refId,
   INT in itemHandle,
   INT in position,
       in data
 UNIVAL %HI_GetItemData(
   INT in refId,
   INT in itemHandle,
   INT in position
refIdReference to the graphic object  (reference variable).
itemHandleItem identifier.
positionPosition of the item data within the interval 1 ... 15.
dataInserted data (optional type).

Each entry in the Windows Tree element contains an array of 15 values ​​that the user can set and read. Their meaning is not given and they have no influence on the behavior of the item.

The tree view is defined by the reference variable refId.
The item is specified by the parameter itemHandle (see: %HI_AddTreeItem).
The item data is identified by the serial number within the interval 1 .. 15 - the parameter position.

The value type of the parameter data is optional, beside a structure type.

Return code of the function %HI_GetItemData is given by the type of the value stored in particular position.

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