%HI_GetColumnMasterEditable, %HI_SetColumnMasterEditable functions

The %HI_SetColumnMasterEditable function disables to change a text in the column in the displayer of the Browser type (overloads the function %HI_SetEditEnable)/cancels the overloading and enables to change the text in particular column as defined by the function %HI_SetEditEnable (control function).

The %HI_GetColumnMasterEditable function gets the current status of overloading that is defined by %HI_SetColumnMasterEditable.
   INT in refId,
   INT in col,
   BOOL in bEnable
 BOOL %HI_GetColumnMasterEditable(
   INT in refId,
   INT in col
refIdReference to graphic object (reference variable).
colColumn in Browser.
bEnable@TRUE - enables the graphic object
@FALSE - disables the graphic object
The %HI_SetColumnMasterEditable function disables to change a text in the column in the displayer of the Browser type - the parameter refId defines the name of the reference variable for Browser. When bEnable parameter is @FALSE, it overloads the %HI_SetEditEnable function (disables its functionality).

The %HI_GetColumnMasterEditable function gets the current status of overloading of editing which is set by %HI_SetColumnMasterEditable. The return value @TRUE does not mean that the column can be edited, but the column fields are controlled by  %HI_SetEditEnable. @FALSE means the functionality of %HI_SetEditEnable function is disabled and the text in the column object cannot be changed.

The behavior of Master functions is described in the chapter Master functions.
 ENTRY OnLogOn(IN TEXT _userName, IN BOOL _bLogOn)
   IF _bLogOn THEN
    ;when a user is logged on, a text in column can be edited
    ;when a user is logged off, the access to a text in column is disabled
 END OnLogOn
This function is also in %HIX_ version.

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