GetValueLimitStr function

The function converts a string, which is returned by DDE references "D_2000|STATUS!objname" and "D_2000|ARCH_STATUS!blname" into clear text format. The result is the information about object value in regard of defined limits.
= GetValueLimitStr(DDEreference)

DDEreference DDE reference in the format D_2000|STATUS!objname or D_2000|ARCH_STATUS!blname.

Return value
Return values are defined in workbook by Declaration sheet - "Texts describing a value limit".

InLimit The value from the interval <LL..HL>.
VLL The value  is lower than VLL.
LL The value is lower than LL.
HL The value is higher than  HL.
VHL The value is higher than  VHL.
Transient Transient status - there was executed a command to set the object value, but there has not been verified the setting of value by backward reading yet.
Default Default value.
Weak Weak value - the system does not consider this value as valid because there have not been fulfilled all the conditions of its validity.
Weak Cmd Weak Command.
Weak Ans Weak Answer.
Limits Problem Crossing of the dynamic limits - the condition VLL<LL<HL<VHL has been broken.

= GetValueLimitStr(D_2000|STATUS!U.Kx_O2_Ref_Plyn)

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