Configuration and connection of a client to redundant group

A client process, when connecting the RDG, must find the HS and connect to it. For this purpose, there are two parameters.

/RDredundant_group_nameThe parameter replaces the parameter /S, that directly specified the name of the computer (IP address) with a running server. If you enter the parameter along with the name of an RDG, the client process (using the MULTICAST service) detects which one of the running servers is HS and logs on to the HS. All servers must be available by means of the service MULTICAST. The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipesoft\D2000V70\IPMask must be specified.
/RFredundant_group_nameThe parameter is used instead of the parameter /RD when the RDG servers are not available by means of the service MULTICAST. The process then browses the table* containing the names of all servers connected into the RDG and connects to them in order to detect which of them is in the HS state.

* Table is located in the system registry and has the following form:




The IpAddr1 and IpAddr2 parameters define the IP addresses of the computer, where an RDG server is running.
The Name parameter is the name of the corresponding RDG member, which is identical with the parameter KernelName.

The behavior of a client process connected to a server, that is an RDG member is different in some cases. It depends on the client process type and the connection type.

The multicast address of has been used for multicasts since the D2000 v7.0. Since the D2000 V7.01.004 release A060113017, there is also used the multicast address, because according to RFC3171, the address of is reserved for local broadcasts that are not routed. Implementation of the multicast address of allows to configure the multicast routing, so D2000 system processes may be housed at various network segments.

Multicast requests are sent to the destination UDP port of 3119, the source port is dynamic. Unicast replies are sent from a dynamic UDP port to the UDP port and IP address from which the original multicast request was sent.

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