ALYA VT200 communication protocol
Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions
Supported device types and versions
This protocol enables the reading of the weighted values from the VT200 scale produced by ALYA Poprad. In addition to reading net weight and tare, it enables reading characters from the keyboard, reading of EAN-codes, and controlling the built-in monochromatic LCD display with a resolution of 240x64 pixels.
Communication line configuration
- Category of communication line: TCP/IP-UDP
- Parameters of a UDP line:
- Host: IP address of a scale configured in the parameters of a scale
- Port: the UDP port of a scale where requests are sent. The default value (according to the documentation) is 3396.
Communication station configuration
- Communication protocol: ALYA VT200.
- The address of the station is irrelevant and does not need to be defined. Only one station may be configured on one line.
Station protocol parameters
Keyword | Full name | Meaning | Unit | Default value |
Keyword | Full name | Meaning | Unit | Default value |
LP | Local Port | The UDP port where the D2000 KOM awaits responses from the scale. Permitted values are in the range 1-65535. | - | 3396 |
DT | Data Timeout | Timeout for receiving a response from the scale when the D2000 KOM process sends a request. | sec.mss | 0.500 |
ND | No Delete | Setting the value to True will cause the D2000 KOM process not to send buffer delete requests during the reading of keystrokes and barcodes. The parameter is useful only during tuning of communication. | - | False |
I/O tag configuration
I/O tag address | I/O tag type | Meaning |
I/O tag address | I/O tag type | Meaning |
NETTO | Ai | Net weight in kg. Note: If a scale reports the unsteady status (see I/O tag STEADY), the I/O tag will be Invalid. |
TARA | Ai | Tare in kg. Note: If a scale reports the unsteady status (see I/O tag STEADY), the I/O tag will be Invalid. |
STEADY | Di | Information on whether a scale status is steady (True) or unsteady (False). |
ZERO | Di | Information on whether a scale shows zero weight (True) or not (False). |
RANGE | Ci | Scale range: 0, 1 or 2 according to the EN 45510 standard |
KEYCODE | TxtI | Keystroke(s) read from the keyboard. Note: After reading keystroke(s) from a keyboard, they are deleted from a keyboard buffer so that during the next reading from the scale, this I/O tag is set to Invalid (unless the ND parameter is set). Therefore, it is necessary to handle keystrokes within an ESL script. |
BARCODE | TxtI | EAN-code read from a bar-code reader. Note: After reading a bar-code from a bar-code reader, it is deleted from the reader so that during the next reading from the scale, this I/O tag is set to Invalid (unless the ND parameter is set). Therefore, it is necessary to handle bar-codes within an ESL script. |
DISPLAY | TxtO | The I/O tag that is used for communication with a monochromatic display on the scale. The string must consist of binary data in the format which is defined in the manual from a producer. The message format is <XH><XL><YH><YL><WH><WL><HH><HL><data>, where:
Changes and modifications
Document revisions
- Ver. 1.0 – July 14, 2015 – the creation of the document
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