QUERY action

Function Query (question) for the operator into defined process D2000 HI.
identInt :=   QUERYstrExpression [SINGLE] TIMEOUT number
identInt :=   QUERY strExpression  [SINGLE] ON procIdent   TIMEOUT number
identInt in Identifier of Int type for saving a response.
strExpression in Expression of String type.
procIDent in Identifier of Process type object (Human Interface).
TIMEOUT number in Maximal wait time for response [s].
SINGLE   Allows to display single queries in form of classic dialog box instead of a list. Multiple queries are still displayed as a list.

The action will show a text message (value of the expression strExpression) on the desktop of the defined process D2000 HI as a query, and the operator may respond to which (clicking a button) in three modes. According to the mode of a response, one of the following values will be assigned to the identifier identInt:

Response mode Value assigned to the identifier identInt Meaning
Yes _Q_YES Acceptance
No _Q_NO Refusal
I don't know _Q_DONTKNOW The decision is up to script.
Timeout expiration _Q_TIMEOUT The decision is up to script, a query has not been answered.

Example of single query if "SINGLE" is used in the command.

Example of single query if "SINGLE" is not used in the command.

Selected queries may be saved into the clipboard (CTRL+C).

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