%HI_SetLogDBByMask function

The function %HI_OpenLogDBByMask sets the parameters for viewing data from the log database in displayer of Logging type (control function).
   INT in refId,
   TEXT in mask, 
   TEXT in skupinaMask, 
   INT in priorityMask, 
   BOOL in bASC, 
   INT in pageLen, 
   INT in intervalType 
   [, HBJ in refToLG1, ...]

   INT in refId,
   TEXT in mask, 
   TEXT in skupinaMask, 
   INT in priorityMask, 
   BOOL in bASC, 
   INT in pageLen, 
   TIME in bt, 
   TIME in et
   [, HBJ in refToLG1....]

refId Reference to displayer of Logging type.
mask Mask (in the dialog box System logging - settings).
groupMask Filter for events source.
priorityMask Event type filter.
bASC Order:
  • @TRUE - ascending
  • @FALSE - descending
pageLen Page size within the interval of 5 ... 200.
intervalType Time interval for browsing events. Possible values:
  • 1  - last hour
  • 8  - last 8 hours
  • 12 - last 12 hours
  • 24 - last 24 hours
bt Beginning time (when you define other time interval than the intervals defined by the parameter intervalType).
et End time (when you define other time interval than the intervals defined by the parameter intervalType).
refToLG1, ... References to logical groups.


The function parameters copy the behaviour of corresponding dialog box for opening the log database when you browse events for the objects matching given mask.

The parameter groupMask represents the filter for events source. It must be other than 0 and must be the sum of the values of the predefined variables _LOG_PRTY_*.

The parameter priorityMask represents the filter for Event type. It must be other than 0 and must be the sum of the values of the predefined variables _LOG_PRTY_*.

The parameter intervalType is INT type and allows to define the time interval for browsing events.

To define other time interval use the parameters bt and et of Absolute time type.

Objects matching the selection condition mask can be further filtrated by their membership in logical groups using the optional parameters refLG1, refLG2, ....

%HI_SetLogDBByMask(_displayer, "*s*", _LOGF_LOGONLOGOFF, _LOG_PRTY_INFO, @TRUE, 20, 8, AI_1_KB03\HBJ)

The parameter mask may be replaced by a content of XML file representing an extended filter. The filter filtrates all the text columns in log database.
ROOT element contains the column names together with the filter conditions. Each element which represents the filter condition can also contain an attribute strict. This attribute defines if the filtering in some column is necessary.

The rules for elements which represent the filter conditions:

  • name, descript, person, oldvalue, newvalue or comment are the reserved elements,
  • ROOT element must not contain other elements than reserved one,
  • each reserved element can occur only once,
  • if the reserved element is not in XML file it does not belong to filter,
  • if attribute strict has not been defined for the element or it has a different value than "off", then it is always "on"
  • the records must conform to all the elements containing the attribute strict "on" and at least to one element containing the attribute strict "off" (if it exists),
  • the filter condition in element enables the same syntax as mask.
Example: XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <name strict="on">!TF2\.<\name>
    <descript strict="off">SystemD2000*<\descript>
    <oldvalue strict="off">Run<\oldvalue>

may be assembled according to this example.

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