GROUP_SOFT parameter

GROUP_SOFT is an export parameter for the objects of logical group and object group type.

The results of export to XML file:

Description ON OFF
The references to members of group in REFERENCES reserved section occur do not occur
The structures representing the object membership in CFGRECORDS reserved section are optional required
The structure name representing the object membership in logical group tLogGroupTxt tLogGroup
The structure name representing the object membership in object group tResource_GroupTxt tResource_Group

The results of GROUP_SOFT setting at export into XML file on its import:

Description ON OFF
If the object of group is neither among the imported one nor in target configuration there occurs an excluding from membership an error at import

Note: By means of change of the structure name, representing the object group in defined CFGRECORDS section, is possible to control the behaviour at import also manually. In case of obligatory membership there is not necessary to add the reference to <REFERENCES> section (but there is a consequence at matching of the column and object references).

Examples of membership export in XML file

Optional membership in the logical group:


Optional membership in the object group:


Required membership in the logical group:


Required membership in the object group:

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